Toenail clippers are used for trimming or cutting toenails. They can be used for both personal grooming or a professional nail care service. They typically have sharp, curved blades that help to cleanly cut through thick toenails
Toenail clippers with thumb squeeze lever is a tool specifically designed for trimming and cutting toenails. They are similar to regular nail clippers but have a longer and wider clipper shaped to accommodate the size and thickness of toenails. The lever on these clippers allows the user to apply pressure with their thumb to easily cut through thick toenails. This type of design is particularly helpful for individuals with limited hand strength or dexterity. The lever also allows for more control and precision when cutting toenails.
Note: No File on these clippers
Buy Toenail Clippers with Thumb Squeeze Lever and nail care products here at Mountainside Medical Equipment.